
About Us:  Weeeeeeell... what do you want to know?  I suppose I could give a little run-down with all of my "tags".

I am a breast-feeding, baby-wearing, cloth-diapering, eco-conscious, holistic-minded, pro-homeschooling,  pro-life, pro-God, pro-chickens mama.  At least I think i'm pro-chickens.  I WANT chickens at any rate.  Maybe when I get chickens I won't like them... but I digress.  I'm Catholic and I do try, but if the Pope comes by for an inspection, i'm screwed.  It seems like i'm always floundering between continents, no dry land to stand on.  I'm too liberal for the religious folk, too religious for the atheists, too messy for the Montessorians (though not too neat for anyone lol), too rich and educated for the trailer park, too poor and uneducated for the upper crust, too artsy for the average folks, too average for the artsy folks, too crunchy for the suburbs, too opinionated for everybody and way too weird for mainstream America.

Our family is middle class middle America (at least geographically and socioeconomically).  We are a construction worker dad, a stay-at-home mom, a boy with ADHD, a boy who cries (wolf, curse words, and many other things too), a girl who is cute and KNOWS it, and a baby (who does baby things).  Also a Great Dane and a fluffy city-kitty.  And in the epic "Family Migration of 2010" we added a nurse grandma and her two pooches to our ranks.

This blog follows our adventures (or more often, misadventures) as I try to achieve the rank of  "journeymother" (it's a long apprenticeship) and avoid killing anyone along the way.  I'm pretty sure they throw you out of the program if you kill someone.

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